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Reflection : 25 November - Day against domestic violence

On the 25th of November it is celebrated “Day against domestic violence”. According to studies, one woman dies from domestic violence at every 12 minutes in the world. Another study shows that 1 out of 3 women experiences domestic violence during her lifetime. When we read this we think that violence only means hitting a woman, but there are a lot of ways to show violence.

 We as men, need to improve quality of life for women near us in order to have a healthy society. Violence is everywhere, and is not only physical abuse. Many women are treated differently at work or at school and this makes a hole in our society. It creates something that it is really difficult to overcome at a global level.

One of the biggest issues is that women in eastern European countries tend not to talk about their experiences and also they don’t denounce acts of violence that they suffer.

    At a European level, only in 2014, there were more than 40.000 rapes committed against women. And there is even more, unfortunately almost 2000 women committed suicide due to domestic abuse that they suffered.

   We as a society should be ashamed about this numbers and we have to invest more of our energy for changing the way things are.

It’s our obligation to make them feel valued, free and find their place in society.

This should be alarming for the European society, mostly if we think that a lot of abuses are not signaled by women.

 The Council of Europe started a campaing to raise awareness regarding this situation, and I as a man encourage every woman to stand up and fight for their place in society.

No one should oppress anyone and we should not forget not even for a second that  are all equal and that women deserve respect and equal treatment.

Violence against women is in every place, in every domain, even in families. Everyone should understand the importance of treating the other how you would like to be treated and every individual should care more about gender equality because if we want the society to witness progress this is how we suppose to act.

My article has a purpose, the one to raise awareness regarding this issue, but even more than this. I would like to live in a world where women fell confident, where they have chances to prove that they are skillfull , a world without violence of any kind, a world that will make all of us feel proud of what we accomplished.

Give power to women and they will help us to build a better world for all of us.

                                                                                   Bogdan Burdusel


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